Statements and Functions > Comments


Documentation Symbols

Syntax samples





Two forward slashes signal the start of a one-line comment. ProModel will ignore any characters on the rest of the line.


A slash followed by an asterisk signals the start of a multi-line comment. ProModel will ignore all characters after the “/*” until it finds an asterisk followed by a slash, “*/”. Use this type of comment for long explanations and to prevent ProModel from executing long portions of logic during debugging. Comments using // may be nested inside multi-line comments.


Comments are notes to the modeler inside blocks of logic. ProModel ignores them, but they can be particularly useful to explain logic when more than one person will be using a model.

Valid In

Any logic.


The logic below has several notes to explain it. Additionally, ProModel ignores the Else statement and the Else statement’s block.

If Parts_Available > Attr2 Then

{//Parts to join is stored in Attr2

Join Attr2 //Join the number of parts

// needed only if there are

// enough parts available.

Wait Attr1


/* Else

{ //Start operation

Inc Var1

Wait Attr3

} */


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